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When and Why You Should Buy an Instant Power Supply (IPS) in Bangladesh

May 23, 2024 / By Parvez Ahmed / in Fashion Electronic

Electricity is an essential part of modern life, powering homes, businesses, and industries. However, in Bangladesh, power outages and load shedding are common issues that disrupt daily activities and can cause significant inconvenience. To mitigate the impact of these interruptions, many households and businesses turn to Instant Power Supplies (IPS). This blog will explore when and why you should consider investing in an IPS, with a focus on the Bangladeshi context and brands like Rahimafroz, Exide, and Luminous.

When and Why You Should Buy an Instant Power Supply (IPS)

Understanding IPS: What Is It?

An Instant Power Supply (IPS) is a backup power system that provides electricity during outages. Unlike generators, which can take a few minutes to start, IPS systems switch on almost instantly, ensuring a seamless supply of power. They typically use batteries to store energy, which is then converted to AC power to run electrical appliances when the main grid fails.

When Should You Buy an IPS?

1. Frequent Power Outages: In many parts of Bangladesh, frequent power outages are a significant issue. If you live in an area where electricity supply is unreliable, investing in an IPS can be a game-changer. It ensures that your essential appliances, such as lights, fans, and even some electronic devices, remain operational during blackouts.

2. Home-Based Businesses: For those running businesses from home, especially in the service sector (like IT services, freelance work, or online businesses), a consistent power supply is crucial. An IPS ensures that your work is not interrupted, allowing you to maintain productivity and meet deadlines.

3. Medical Needs: If someone in your household relies on medical equipment that requires a constant power supply, an IPS is essential. Devices like oxygen concentrators, nebulizers, or any other life-support systems need uninterrupted power, and an IPS can provide that peace of mind.

4. Educational Purposes: Students increasingly rely on electronic devices for their studies. Whether it's attending online classes, doing research, or simply studying with adequate lighting, an IPS can ensure that students have the necessary resources to continue their education without disruption.

5. Small Businesses and Shops: Small businesses, such as retail shops, often need a consistent power supply to operate cash registers, lighting, and other essential equipment. An IPS can prevent loss of business during power cuts and keep your operations running smoothly.

6. Hot and Humid Weather: During the sweltering summer months, fans and air conditioners are vital for comfort and health. Power outages can make living conditions unbearable. An IPS ensures that fans and other cooling devices keep running, providing relief from the heat.

Why Should You Buy an IPS?

1. Uninterrupted Power Supply: The primary benefit of an IPS is the uninterrupted power supply. It provides instant backup power, ensuring that your appliances keep running smoothly during power cuts. This is especially important in a country like Bangladesh, where power outages are frequent and often unpredictable.

2. Protection for Electronic Devices: Frequent power cuts and voltage fluctuations can damage sensitive electronic devices. An IPS provides a stable power supply, protecting your valuable electronics from damage.

3. Cost-Effective Solution: Compared to generators, IPS systems are more cost-effective. They require less maintenance and have lower operating costs since they do not need fuel. This makes them an affordable option for long-term power backup.

4. Environmentally Friendly: IPS systems are generally more environmentally friendly than generators. They do not emit harmful gases or make noise, making them a cleaner and quieter option for power backup.

5. Easy Installation and Maintenance: Installing an IPS system is straightforward, and maintenance is minimal. Most units come with user-friendly interfaces and require only occasional battery checks and replacements.

Brands Available in Bangladesh

1. Rahimafroz: Rahimafroz is one of the most trusted brands in Bangladesh when it comes to power solutions. They offer a range of IPS systems known for their reliability and durability. Rahimafroz IPS units are equipped with advanced technology to ensure efficient performance and long battery life.

2. Exide: Exide is another reputable brand offering high-quality IPS systems in Bangladesh. Known for their robust build and excellent performance, Exide IPS units are designed to provide reliable power backup for both homes and businesses.

3. Luminous: Luminous is a well-known brand that provides a variety of power backup solutions, including IPS systems. Their products are praised for their efficiency, ease of use, and advanced features. Luminous IPS units are designed to offer seamless power supply and are ideal for various applications.

When to Buy an IPS: Specific Scenarios

1. Monsoon Season: The monsoon season in Bangladesh often brings severe storms and heavy rains, leading to frequent power outages. Investing in an IPS before the monsoon season can ensure that you have a reliable power backup during these times.

2. New Home or Business Setup: If you are setting up a new home or business, including an IPS system in your initial setup can save you from future inconvenience. It’s a proactive approach to ensure continuous power supply from the start.

3. Before Major Events: If you are planning to host a major event, such as a wedding or a large family gathering, having an IPS can prevent disruptions caused by power outages. It ensures that your event runs smoothly without any hitches.

4. Increased Load Shedding: During times of increased load shedding, when the national grid is under pressure, having an IPS can provide much-needed relief. It ensures that your daily activities are not disrupted by extended periods of power cuts.


In Bangladesh, where power outages and load shedding are common, investing in an Instant Power Supply (IPS) is a wise decision. Whether it's for ensuring uninterrupted power at home, supporting home-based businesses, safeguarding medical equipment, or simply providing comfort during hot weather, an IPS offers numerous benefits.

Brands like Rahimafroz, Exide, and Luminous provide reliable and efficient IPS systems tailored to meet the needs of Bangladeshi consumers. By considering factors such as frequent power outages, business needs, medical requirements, and budget, you can make an informed decision about when and why to invest in an IPS. This proactive approach will ensure that you are well-prepared for any power disruptions, enhancing your quality of life and productivity.