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Tall Tubular vs Flat Bed Battery: Which is Better Among Lead Acid Batteries?

May 23, 2024 / By Parvez Ahmed / in Ecommerce Commercial

When it comes to choosing a battery for home, office, or industrial use in Bangladesh, the decision often boils down to selecting between tall tubular batteries and flat bed batteries, both of which fall under the lead-acid battery category. Each type has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. This article will compare these two battery types, highlighting their features, benefits, and suitability for different applications. Additionally, we will look at popular Bangladeshi brands like Lucas, Rahimafroz, Navana, Volbo, Leader, and Hamko.

Tall Tubular vs Flat Bed Battery

Understanding Tall Tubular and Flat Bed Batteries

Tall Tubular Batteries:

  • Design: Tall tubular batteries have a longer height and a slimmer width compared to flat bed batteries. They feature tubular plates, which are designed to increase the surface area for electrochemical reactions.
  • Capacity: They generally have a higher capacity and are more suitable for long-duration power backup.
  • Longevity: Known for their longer life span and better performance under deep discharge conditions.
  • Maintenance: Require regular maintenance, including topping up with distilled water, but modern variants often come with low-maintenance options.
  • Applications: Ideal for applications that require prolonged power backup, such as inverters for homes and offices.

Flat Bed Batteries:

  • Design: Flat bed batteries, also known as flat plate batteries, have a shorter height and broader base. They use flat plates for storing charge.
  • Capacity: These batteries are typically designed for shorter-duration power backup and higher current output.
  • Longevity: Generally have a shorter life span compared to tall tubular batteries, especially under frequent deep discharge conditions.
  • Maintenance: Also require regular maintenance, but can be more prone to damage from improper upkeep.
  • Applications: Suitable for applications with shorter power backup needs, such as small UPS systems and emergency lighting.

Pros and Cons

Tall Tubular Batteries:


  1. Longer Life Span: Due to the tubular plate design, these batteries have a longer life expectancy.
  2. Deep Discharge Handling: Better suited for deep discharge cycles, making them ideal for areas with frequent power outages.
  3. Higher Capacity: Typically offer higher capacity, providing longer backup times.
  4. Durability: More robust and durable, especially in extreme conditions.


  1. Higher Cost: Generally more expensive upfront compared to flat bed batteries.
  2. Space Requirement: Require more vertical space for installation.
  3. Weight: Heavier, which can make handling and installation more challenging.

Flat Bed Batteries:


  1. Lower Cost: More affordable compared to tall tubular batteries.
  2. Compact Design: Require less vertical space, making them easier to fit in tight spaces.
  3. High Current Output: Provide high current output, suitable for applications requiring a quick power boost.


  1. Shorter Life Span: Tend to have a shorter operational life, especially under frequent deep discharge conditions.
  2. Maintenance Intensive: Require more careful maintenance to avoid damage and ensure longevity.
  3. Limited Backup Time: Generally provide shorter backup times, making them less suitable for prolonged power outages.

Brand Comparisons in Bangladesh


  • Tall Tubular Batteries: Lucas offers high-performance tall tubular batteries known for their reliability and long life. They are ideal for home and industrial applications requiring long-duration backup.
  • Flat Bed Batteries: Lucas also provides flat bed batteries that are affordable and suitable for smaller backup needs and emergency power solutions.


  • Tall Tubular Batteries: Rahimafroz is a leading name in the battery industry in Bangladesh. Their tall tubular batteries are renowned for their durability, high capacity, and deep discharge capabilities.
  • Flat Bed Batteries: Rahimafroz flat bed batteries are known for their robust performance and affordability, catering to a wide range of applications.


  • Tall Tubular Batteries: Navana’s tall tubular batteries are designed to offer reliable and long-lasting power solutions, suitable for both residential and commercial use.
  • Flat Bed Batteries: Navana also manufactures flat bed batteries that are cost-effective and provide adequate power backup for less demanding applications.


  • Tall Tubular Batteries: Volbo offers a range of tall tubular batteries that are known for their extended life span and excellent performance in deep discharge conditions.
  • Flat Bed Batteries: Volbo’s flat bed batteries are a good option for those looking for a balance between cost and performance for short-term power needs.


  • Tall Tubular Batteries: Leader batteries are recognized for their superior build quality and longevity, making them a reliable choice for long-term power backup.
  • Flat Bed Batteries: Leader’s flat bed batteries are affordable and effective for short-duration backup requirements.


  • Tall Tubular Batteries: Hamko provides high-quality tall tubular batteries that are popular for their reliability and long operational life, suitable for heavy-duty applications.
  • Flat Bed Batteries: Hamko’s flat bed batteries offer a cost-effective solution for small-scale power backup needs.


Choosing between tall tubular and flat bed batteries depends largely on your specific needs and budget.

When to Choose Tall Tubular Batteries:

  • Frequent Power Outages: Ideal for areas with frequent and prolonged power outages.
  • Longer Backup Time Needed: Suitable for applications that require extended power backup.
  • Durability and Longevity: Preferable if you need a robust and long-lasting power solution.

When to Choose Flat Bed Batteries:

  • Cost Considerations: If budget constraints are a primary concern.
  • Limited Space: Suitable for installations where vertical space is limited.
  • Short-Term Backup Needs: Ideal for applications requiring shorter backup times or high current output for short durations.

In Bangladesh, brands like Lucas, Rahimafroz, Navana, Volbo, Leader, and Hamko offer a variety of options in both tall tubular and flat bed batteries. By considering factors such as frequency and duration of power outages, budget, and specific application needs, you can make an informed decision on which type of lead-acid battery is best suited for your requirements.