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Inverter vs Non-Inverter AC: Which Should You Buy? A Bangladesh Perspective

May 23, 2024 / By Parvez Ahmed / in Fashion Commercial

Choosing the right air conditioner (AC) is crucial, especially in the hot and humid climate of Bangladesh. The decision often boils down to selecting between inverter and non-inverter ACs. This blog will provide a detailed, qualitative analysis of both types of ACs, tailored to the Bangladesh context, considering popular brands like Panasonic, Walton, GREE, Hitachi, and General.

Inverter vs Non-Inverter AC

Understanding Inverter and Non-Inverter ACs

Inverter ACs:

  • Variable Speed Compressor: The heart of inverter ACs is their variable speed compressor. Unlike traditional compressors, these adjust their speed according to the cooling demand. When the desired temperature is reached, the compressor slows down and maintains that temperature efficiently. This results in significant energy savings.
  • Energy Efficiency: Inverter ACs are renowned for their energy efficiency. Since the compressor doesn’t turn on and off frequently, it consumes less power, making it an economical choice in the long run.
  • Initial Cost: While inverter ACs are more expensive initially, they can lead to substantial savings on electricity bills over time.
  • Cooling Performance: Inverter ACs provide consistent cooling without fluctuations, ensuring a comfortable indoor environment.
  • Noise Level: These ACs operate more quietly compared to non-inverter models, as the compressor runs at a lower speed once the desired temperature is reached.

Non-Inverter ACs:

  • Fixed Speed Compressor: Non-inverter ACs feature a fixed speed compressor that either operates at full capacity or is completely off. This results in the compressor cycling on and off frequently to maintain the desired temperature.
  • Energy Consumption: Due to the constant starting and stopping of the compressor, non-inverter ACs consume more power.
  • Initial Cost: Non-inverter ACs are less expensive upfront, making them an attractive option for those with budget constraints.
  • Cooling Performance: The cooling performance can be less consistent, with noticeable temperature fluctuations.
  • Noise Level: These ACs tend to be noisier due to the frequent switching of the compressor.

The Bangladesh Perspective

Bangladesh experiences a tropical climate with high temperatures and humidity, particularly during the summer months. Effective and efficient cooling solutions are, therefore, essential for comfort and well-being.

Energy Efficiency: With rising electricity costs in Bangladesh, energy efficiency is a critical consideration. Inverter ACs, despite their higher initial cost, offer significant savings on electricity bills over time. This makes them a wise investment for long-term use. Non-inverter ACs, while cheaper upfront, may lead to higher operational costs due to increased energy consumption.

Cooling Consistency: Given the intense heat during summer, the consistent cooling provided by inverter ACs can significantly enhance comfort. Non-inverter ACs might struggle to maintain a consistent temperature, leading to discomfort during peak heat periods.

Initial Investment vs Long-Term Savings: While the initial investment for an inverter AC is higher, the long-term savings on electricity bills can offset this cost. For budget-conscious consumers, this trade-off is important to consider. Investing in an inverter AC can be seen as a long-term financial decision that pays off in reduced energy bills.

Noise Levels: In densely populated urban areas of Bangladesh, where living spaces are often compact, the quieter operation of inverter ACs can be a significant advantage. Non-inverter ACs can be disruptive due to the noise from the compressor frequently turning on and off.

Available Brands in Bangladesh

Several reputable brands offer both inverter and non-inverter ACs in Bangladesh. Here’s a closer look at what some of these brands provide:

1. Panasonic:

  • Inverter ACs: Panasonic’s inverter ACs are known for their durability, energy efficiency, and advanced features such as air purifying filters. These models are ideal for households looking for long-term savings and consistent performance.
  • Non-Inverter ACs: Panasonic also offers reliable non-inverter models that are budget-friendly and provide solid performance. These models are suitable for consumers prioritizing initial cost savings.

2. Walton:

  • Inverter ACs: Walton, a local brand, provides cost-effective inverter ACs with good energy efficiency and robust after-sales service. Walton’s inverter models are a good choice for those seeking affordable yet efficient cooling solutions.
  • Non-Inverter ACs: Walton’s non-inverter models are among the most affordable, making them accessible to a broad range of consumers. These models are suitable for occasional use and for those with tight budgets.

3. GREE:

  • Inverter ACs: GREE’s inverter ACs are popular for their innovative technology and high energy efficiency. These models are well-regarded for their performance and durability, making them suitable for continuous use.
  • Non-Inverter ACs: GREE also offers robust non-inverter models that perform well and are reasonably priced. These models are a good option for those who do not require the continuous operation of the AC.

4. Hitachi:

  • Inverter ACs: Hitachi’s inverter ACs are known for their high-quality build, superior cooling performance, and advanced features like self-cleaning technology. These models are ideal for consumers looking for premium features and reliability.
  • Non-Inverter ACs: Hitachi provides reliable non-inverter ACs that are durable and effective. These models are suitable for consumers who need a basic, dependable cooling solution.

5. General:

  • Inverter ACs: General’s inverter ACs are renowned for their efficiency, durability, and superior cooling capabilities. These models are excellent for those who prioritize long-term performance and energy savings.
  • Non-Inverter ACs: General also offers high-quality non-inverter models that are robust and dependable. These models are a good choice for consumers looking for straightforward, reliable cooling.

Making the Decision

When deciding between an inverter and non-inverter AC in Bangladesh, consider the following factors:

  1. Budget:
    • High Initial Budget: If you have a higher initial budget and are looking for long-term savings, an inverter AC is the way to go.
    • Limited Budget: If your budget is limited, a non-inverter AC can be a practical choice, providing immediate cooling at a lower upfront cost.
  2. Usage:
    • Heavy and Continuous Usage: For heavy and continuous usage, especially during the hot summer months, an inverter AC will be more cost-effective and provide consistent cooling.
    • Occasional Use: For occasional use, a non-inverter AC might suffice, offering adequate cooling without the higher initial investment.
  3. Space and Noise Considerations:
    • Small and Urban Spaces: If you live in a small space or in a densely populated area, the quieter operation of an inverter AC can significantly enhance your comfort.
    • Larger Spaces: For larger spaces, noise may be less of a concern, making non-inverter ACs a viable option if budget constraints are a primary concern.
  4. Energy Costs:
    • Rising Energy Costs: With rising energy costs, the energy efficiency of inverter ACs can lead to substantial savings on your electricity bills over time, making them a more economical choice in the long run.
    • Stable Energy Costs: If energy costs are not a significant concern, the lower initial cost of non-inverter ACs might be more appealing.


Both inverter and non-inverter ACs have their own sets of advantages and disadvantages. In the context of Bangladesh’s climate and energy costs, inverter ACs stand out for their energy efficiency, consistent cooling, and quieter operation, making them a superior choice for long-term use. However, if budget constraints are a significant concern, non-inverter ACs can still provide effective cooling at a lower upfront cost.

Brands like Panasonic, Walton, GREE, Hitachi, and General offer a range of options in both categories, ensuring that you can find an AC that suits your needs and preferences. Ultimately, the choice depends on your specific requirements, budget, and long-term goals.